Agreed you don’t have time to read newspapers any more, no time to read books.
“Mate, I work 10-12 hours a day, you can bet your good money I have no time for all this.” Fine. But you still need intellectual stimulation. You still need to be in the know of what’s going around you. And of course you need a breather from work, a break from constantly staring at a flickering screen with boring documents, and numbers and figures. You need entertainment, a sort of power fun (like power nap), if you will, to rejuvenate yourself. So how do you get this? Blogs. They are interactive, informative and a lot of fun. Here are the top 5 blogs that we think you should follow, especially men:
1. Technology, Gadgets, Mobiles: Labnol, if you’re someone who likes to be on top of all the technology, gadget related development, this blog is your best bet. Digital Inspiration, founded and authored by Amit Agarwal, is one of the most widely-read tech and how-to blog. Through this blog he covers interesting topics like gadgets,web applications, tutorials, reviews of computer software and much more.
2. Dope on Auto industry: Carblogindia, This one is for all the automotive freaks out there. This blog is comprehensive and offers unbiased information on the Indian automotive scene. Car Blog India features news and reviews on vehicles. It also carries test drive reviews, car comparisons, and information on automobile technologies.
3. For a laugh: Cartoonistsatish, When you’re bummed at work and want to just relax, head to this blog page. CartoonistSatish is the brainchild of, well, Satish, who quit his MBA job to pursue cartooning. He must be good then, right? Check out his hilarious cartoons and have a good laugh.
For random observations on life, culture, offices, and travel, check Sidin Vadukut’s blog page, Whatay. He is also the author of Dork: The incredible adventures of Robin Einstein Verghese.
4. Books, yes, very important: Uread, This blog features book reviews, author interviews and special features. You don’t necessarily need to be a book buff to appreciate this. It features mostly Indian authors and their books, so it’s a great way of getting to know what’s cooking on the Indian literary front.
5. Get, set, cook: Whether you live alone or with your parents. Whether you want to impress your friends, girlfriend or wife, cooking is a great way of showing affection and love to those around you. So put on an apron and get into the kitchen. Follow the recipes on Finelychopped, and become the Masterchef of your home.
Blogs are a lot of fun, especially when you’re having a tough day at work. Who knows these blogs might even inspire you to start your own blog someday.
Source by:google: