Last night Facebook held a press conference in San Francisco, where they announced their new App Center for iOS, Android and for web as well.
According to Facebook, this App Center is a place to find new Social Apps. This App center has already been rolled out for the web but is yet to make its debut in iOS and Android devices. We’ve noticed that all the web, canvas and mobile apps are listed in this App Center.
More than 230 million people play games on Facebook every month
More than 130 games on Facebook have more than 1 million monthly active users.
More than 4,500 timeline apps have launched since f8 in September 2011.
Facebook drove people to the Apple App Store 83 million times in May.
Facebook drove people to iOS apps 134 million times in May (someone who already has the app and is directed back to it from Facebook.)
As of May, seven of the top 10 grossing iOS apps and six of the top 10 Android apps have integrated with Facebook.
This App Center will give you suggestions for installing new apps according to the apps that you’ve used before and which apps your friends are using. You’ll be able to browse the App Center through the Facebook app installed on your respective iOS or Android devices. Facebook has also created a webpage for browsing the App Center via a personal computer.
How it works?
Simply log into your Facebook account, type into your browser’s URL and you’ll be forwarded to the new web-based App Center of Facebook. There you’ll be able to see recommended apps, apps that your friends are using, top rated apps, and trending apps as well.
Then all you have to do is choose an App that you want to install, click on that app and you’ll be forwarded to the detail page of the app you just selected.
The app detail page is the one stop shop for all the information on an app. Here you can find how many users are using that app, what are the ratings, how many friends of yours are using it, who is the publisher and on which platform you can install it (like Android, iPad, iPhone, or
If you are browsing the App Center via a computer, the App Center gives you an option to send that app to your mobile (if it is compatible to a mobile device). So, all the apps built for Android, iOS or the mobile web has a “Send to Mobile” button on the App detail page
Whenever an app requires a download, you’ll be forwarded to the install page on Google Play or Apple App Store.